Dr. Aaron St-Laurent

Paediatric Respirology
Phone:  519.685.8500 ext. 58824
Fax:  519.685.8156

Dr. St Laurent completed his BSc (Hons) at McGill University in Montreal followed by his MD in 2011 at the University of Toronto. He did a four year residency in Paediatrics at BC Children’s Hospital before returning to McGill for a fellowship in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, which he complete in 2017. After a short locum at the Children’s Hospital, he pursued additional training in Paediatric Respiratory Sleep Medicine at Sick Kids in Toronto.

Dr. St Laurent joined the department of Paediatrics in the division of Paediatric Respirology in May 2019. He is an Associate Professor in Department of Paediatrics at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is currently involved in the planning of the paediatric sleep lab at Children’s Hospital LHSC. In addition to sleep medicine, Aaron’s clinical and research interests include neuromuscular disease and ventilation.

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